If you are interested in teaching Catechism to children or adults, please call the office.
Sacred Heart Church works with community organizations such as St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church’s Stone Soup Suppers and Samaritan House. Together with these and other organizations, our generous donations and volunteers touch those in need in our community. If you wish to help the parish in this endeavor, please call the parish office.
We are always happy to have parishioners help with the beautification of our memorial garden and Sacred Heart campus.
If you would like to share your master gardener green thumb, please call the parish office!
If you would like to join our prayer chain of faithful prayer warriors, please call the parish office.
Please consider volunteering to serve at our weekday or weekend masses. If you would like to learn more about becoming a reader, greeter or server, please call the parish office.
If you've been blessed with a lovely singing voice, please consider joining our church choir. New members are always welcome. Practice is Tuesday's at 2:00 at the church. Call the office for more information.